New Releases
Who Has Hijacked Christianity?
The political season is in full swing, and both presidential campaigns are pulling out all the stops to win their elections. One of the more disturbing elements in the current campaign is how Christianity is being used in a deceptive way for political purposes. It is completely understandable that the candidates would do what they can to woo Christians to vote for them. But in doing that, they at least need to be honest. One campaign in particular is not.
Humbled by a Homeland
Last month, we went to Ireland. Most of us McQuitty's were able to get ourselves over to the motherland for a couple of weeks to reconnect with the OG McQuitty's who still live in Portrush and Carrickfergus on the northern coast. We also traveled south to see Galway, Dingle, Killarney, Dublin, and to kiss the Blarney Stone. There were eleven of us in our merry traveling band. (This band was also sometimes hangry).
Why Secular Society Doesn’t Understand Christians
We see it all the time – literally! ∙ Negative headlines about Christians and Christianity. ∙ Articles and editorials in magazines and newspapers putting down Christians using arguments that are simply not true. ∙ Politicians saying negative, and untrue, things about Christianity. ∙ Educational institutions teaching falsehoods about the Christian faith. ∙ Random people speaking ill of Christians and accusing them of things that are not true.
Struggling Against Government Persecution
71 Five Ministries is a Christian youth mentoring ministry in Oregon that serves at-risk youth. The ministry serves youth of all faiths and backgrounds, including expectant mothers and young people who are in jail.
Being A Place of Welcome
My Grandmama passed away a couple of months ago — my last living grandparent. Grandaddy died about 18 months before that, and we had all been shocked at how long she lingered on without him. They seemed connected at the kidney or some other vital organ.
CRT& DEI - False Religion Masquerading as a Fairness Doctrine
Over the last several years, Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a popular philosophy that is being incorporated into many societal institutions. It has particularly taken off in educational institutions, government agencies, and large private corporations.